This Space.

This space is where i will hopefully be telling those who wish to listen what happens in my years. Recently having graduated High School, i have more time on my hands than most. Sitting at home, going on adventures and trying new things. This is where i will share what i have been doing, the things that i have been enjoying, and my favourites of beauty, food, cafe's, places etc.
I hope that those who read my thoughts and opinions will stick around on my adventure on this gap year.

A few things about me:

This is me

I am 17 years old as of the 19th of November. 

I am from Queensland, Australia. 

I wear glasses, unfortunately. 

I love to write. 

I love to tumble... Is that how you say it? 

I was going to go to uni to become an Early Childhood teacher, but the responsibility finally came clear to me and i backed out. So now i don't know what i want to be, or what i am going to do with my life. That's normal... Right?

My favourite movie is probably Tangled. But if i had to say one that wasn't of the Disney cartoons i would definitely go with The Hobbit. 

My name is Caitlin. I do have red hair, or as i like to define it, copper. 

I love the rain and the cold. If i could i would move to England. The heat is so over rated. 

So that's me. I hope that helps understand me a little bit more... Probably doesn't but i tried. 

Talk soon!


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